Τρίτη 23 Αυγούστου 2011


Top secret
Hellenic Republic
Athens, 16 February 1982

Number of protocol 6502/7-3042….

a. The Skopians' activities for the autonomy of Macedonia may be efficiently confronted mainly by wiping out the use of the idiom, in the regions near the borders. This opinion is based on the realizations that also other regions that in older times were the center of "Macedonism", like Kastoria, are not hit by the Skopian propaganda, because there the use of the idiom has been almost wiped out.
b. This element by itself would be enough to exclude any thoughts of repatriation of the P/R (political refugees) who now reside in Yugoslavia and who have been brought up with the "Macedonian idea", the "Macedonian language and culture", independently of their participation or not to the organizations SNOF, NOF and activities taken for 
Greek territories, during the period 1946-1949..

As for the above it is imperative to:
1. The creation of a state institution that will depend from the Prefectures of the regions near the borders, lined with the suitable and specially trained to the "Plot against Macedonia" subject, personnel. This institution will engage itself only with this subject, with the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will collaborate closely, but in secret, with the Security Authorities and all the public services (Tax office, Schools, Army, Church, etc.).
2. In the public services and especially in the educational institutions the employees who will be in service have to be ignorant of the local idiom.

The establishment of special enlightenment seminaries, for all the public service employees and the clergy who are in service in the sensitive region of Macedonia.
4. The establishment of motivations for the obligatory residence of the public servants and other employees, in the quarters of their service (example: payment of the rent, extra pay, etc.).
5. Establishment of Cultural Association, like "ARISTOTELIS" in Florina and economic help to them, for the realization of events and the publishing of books, newspapers, magazines, etc. and afterwards these will be sent to the Diaspora abroad who has origins from the regions of the senders. This will boost their national sentiment and they will be protected from the anti-Hellenic propaganda that is been practiced by S/M (Slavmacedonians) organizations.

Insertion of various obstacles (non-recognition of diplomas, postponement of military service, etc.) for the Greek students who wish to study in Skopje.
7. Marking in each village of persons who, due to their kin bounds and their personality, influence a large circle of co-villagers and with any means (even with money payments) get close to them and use them properly so they will behave as the fighters of the use of the idiom in their circle. To this direction a very positive and effective role can be that of the Youngers of the political parties, by the judgment and coordination of the Government, when a between parties agreement will be reached.
8. Recruitment in the Armed Forces, in Police Bodies, in the public services and Organisms of employees with origins from Florina region, by exception, and their obligatory location in other areas of the Country.
9. The encouragement, by the leadership of the Army, of meetings and marriages of Army officers, who are on duty there and have origins abroad, with women that speak the idiom.

Κυριακή 21 Αυγούστου 2011

6 steps to success 6 чекори до успехот

STEP 1 People who live in Republic of  Macedonia  stop being dependent on political power
 Take the law in your hands and those politicians who deserve keep them for a better tomorrow and for a stronger Macedona!!The traitors and enemies politicians should only get an specific answer and that answer is death....

STEP 2  The Macedonian army should have full power and strength to power!create military and police swat team to prevent problems in the country andsecret group that will manage some difficult missions that the police do not have the opportunity to do so....

STEP 3  minimum rights to minorities such as Turks and other Albanians and expulsion from the country those immigrants who are criminals

STEP 4  Exploitation state energies for the opening of factories and the employment of people. High-level negotiations with Europe on the problem of our name ... No negotiation with Greece, Bulgaria and other countries enemies the keys to succeed on behalf of the problem is terrorism against the countries which refuse to accept the truth about our name.

STEP 5 Complete control of the press and general media to better inform citizens of the country ... no tolerance for propaganda channels and closure of these...introduction of new courses in schools about the problem in Macedonia andbooks targeted at the regeneration of our national identity

STEP 6 Cooperation with brothers and sisters in the occupied parts of Macedonia for a better future for their freedom ... Cooperation meaning creating armed groups toclarify a few situations ... Death to traitors betraying the Macedonians inMacedonia

ЧЕКОР 1 Луѓето кои живеат во Република Македонија престанува да биде зависна од политичката моќ
 Земете законот во ваши раце и оние политичари кои заслужуваат да ги чуваат за подобро утре и за посилна Macedona! Предавниците и непријателите политичари само треба да добие конкретен одговор и дека одговорот е смрт ....

ЧЕКОР 2 Македонската армија треба да има целосна власт и сила на власт! Создаде војската и полицијата Сват тим за да се спречи проблеми во земјата andsecret група која ќе управува со некои тешки мисии кои полицијата не имаат можност да го стори тоа ....

ЧЕКОР 3 минимални права на малцинствата, како што се Турците и други Албанци и протерување од земјата оние доселеници кои се криминалци

ЧЕКОР 4 експлоатација држава енергија за отворање на фабрики и вработување на луѓе. Високо ниво на преговори со Европа на проблемот на нашето име ... Не преговори со Грција, Бугарија и други земји непријатели на копчињата за да се успее во име на проблемот е тероризам против земјите кои одбиваат да ја прифатат вистината за нашето име.

ЧЕКОР 5 целосна контрола на печатот и воопшто медиуми за подобро да ги информираат граѓаните на земјата ... нема толеранција за пропаганда канали и затворањето на овие ... воведување на нови предмети во училиштата за проблем во Македонија andbooks насочени кон обнова на нашиот национален идентитет

ЧЕКОР 6 соработка со браќа и сестри во окупираниот дел на Македонија за подобра иднина за својата слобода ... Соработка значи создавање на вооружени групи toclarify неколку ситуации ... Смрт за предавниците предавство на Македонците во Македонија